Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hurry! Outdo Yourself for your share of RM50,000 in the 100PLUS MindWarp Challenge - YouthSays Campaign -

8:17 PM By

The game is on! With over 30,000 fans in the 100PLUS Outdo Yourself Facebook fan page, you’re missing out on something big if you’re not playing the 100PLUS Mindwarp Challenge.
Play the Mindwarp Challenge and stand to win your share of RM50,000 worth of prizes. There are 3 Samsung Galaxy Tabs (worth RM2,700 each), 2 Samsung Galaxy S (worth RM2,599 each) and 10 Samsung NX100 Cameras (worth RM2,699 each) to be won!
That’s not all; top 15 fastest players will also be invited to compete in the ultimate mental and physical challenge at the Grand Finals for a chance at RM10,000!
Already playing? Excellent! Continue to Outdo Yourself and challenge your friends to see who has the better score.
The time is drawing closer to the 100PLUS Mindwarp Challenge Finale! Keep checking the 100PLUS Outdo Yourself Facebook page for more information.

Hurry! Outdo Yourself for your share of RM50,000 in the 100PLUS MindWarp Challenge - YouthSays Campaign -

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Speed you boot pc with soluto software....

2:06 AM By

Soluto - Anti Frustration Software from Soluto on Vimeo.

I'm sure all of you are facing this problem should it? Boot pc is too long. I never met my friends pc is booting time she took the time in 10min. Old crazy right? soluto is a software that will help identify any problem that causes slow boot pc.

Step install soluto 
1. Download apps from the website soluto soluto. Install the your PC with Soluto 

click reboot now

3.Soluto will display the boot speed (location: in the start menu) Click to go to Soluto
4. soluto menu will appear and display on your pc boot time and load the apps that start up.
             5. after that, choose which file should be delay or pause depend on you decision.

 good luck...
try by your own...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Website Speed Test

12:11 AM By

Find out how fast your website loads. Too slow? Perhaps you need to optimize the page or move to a faster server.

How to use this tool

1. Enter the address of the page you want to check the speed for into the text box. (eg.

You can enter up to 10 different websites to check the speed for. After entering the first address, press Enter and enter a new address on the new line.

2. Click the "Check!" button.

The results will provide a rough estimation of the speed however at some point the server may lag which will cause the results to vary.

If the results are highlighted red, this means the website is either slow or offline. If the results are highlighted in blue, this means the website is extra fast comparing to the average loading time.

Your domain(s): Enter each address on a new line (Maximum 10)


Sunday, November 14, 2010

picture .....

3:47 PM By

ak bosan2 post la gambar ni untuk share dengan kawan-kawan....

landscape mode capture.....

ikan oh ikan....
pandai dia berpusing.....


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If you wanna to create your own web design .

11:49 AM By

Create Your FREE Flash Website
5,485,627 sites created. Design yours!
search at

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


7:43 PM By

The series follows a team of thieves, hackers and grifters who act as modern-day Robin Hoods, taking revenge against those who use power and wealth to victimize others.

In "Leverage", Hutton plays former insurance investigator Nate Ford, a once-loyal corporate employee who had recovered millions of dollars in stolen goods for his employer. But when that employer denied his son's insurance claims and allowed the boy to die, he realized he could no longer work for such an entity.

Out of work and descending into alcoholism, Ford is hired by an aeronautics executive to recover airplane designs the executive claims were stolen by a rival company.

Helping him are four highly skilled team members: Parker (Beth Riesgraf - Alvin and the Chipmunks), an expert thief; Alec Hardison (Aldis Hodge - Friday Night Lights), a specialist in Internet and computer fraud; Eliot Spencer (Christian Kane - Into the West), a high-octane "retrieval specialist" who can take out a gang of henchmen without breaking a sweat; and Sophie Devereaux (Gina Bellman - Coupling), a grifter who could win awards for her acting skills during difficult scams.

At first the newly formed team is hesitant to trust each other after so many years working alone but being double-crossed changes the dynamic, ultimately forcing them to unite. They emerge from the job realizing they are far better working together than apart.

Once they discover they can trust each other the group targets their cons toward the richest, the greediest and the most unjust.

source of download

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

TuneUp Utilities 2010 + Serial Key

7:56 PM By

Bagi sesiapa yang masih belum ada software ni, eloklah kalau install. Banyak kelebihannya.
Antara kelebihan tuneup (bagi yang belum pernah guna), ialah maintain system, increase performance, fix problem berkaitan windows, costumize windows dan terbaru untuk versi 2010 ini mempunyai turbo mode. Tanyalah sesiapa yang menggunakan tuneup ini samada mereka berpuas hati atau tidak.

if u wanna try just link below....copy link and paste at your web address....

Monday, April 12, 2010

10:02 AM By

Tips Menguatkan Daya Ingatan

Antaranya ialah:

Amalkan Tidur Yang Cukup

1/3 hidup kita dihabiskan dengan tidur. Namun ada orang yg suka tidur lewat atau mengabaikan tidur yg cukup. Badan perlu rehat. Keletihan hanya akan mengganggu maklumat/data yang telah disimpan oleh otak dan juga menjejaskan kemampuan untuk mempelajari sesuatu yg baru. Oleh itu, amalkan tidur yg cukup di malam hari kerana ia dapat membantu daya ingatan kita berfungsi.

Mengawal Tekanan

Tekanan hanya akan membuat jiwa anda tidak tenteram dan menyebabkan kesihatan anda terganggu. Anda juga lebih cenderung untuk menjadi seseorang yang tidak peka dengan keadaan persekitaran. Anda tidak dapat berfikir dengan jelas dan daya ingatan anda juga terjejas. Oleh itu, kawal tekanan anda dengan baik seperti bermeditasi, membaca Al-Quran, yoga, sauna, aromaterapi dan sebagainya.

Berhati-hati Dengan Pengambilan Vitamin atau Makanan Tambahan

Sesetengah produk yg dijual di kaunter atau farmasi tidak sesuai dengan kita. Ada yg kononnya dapat meningkatkan daya ingatan. Tetapi sebaliknya ada yg memberi kesan sampingan. Oleh itu, lebih baik jika kita mendapatkan vitamin yg diperlukan oleh tubuh badan kita dengan pemakanan yg seimbang atau rujuk dahulu doktor yg bertauliah sebelum membeli makanan tambahan.


Bersenam dapat menggerakkan otot-otot dan melancarkan peredaran darah ke otak. Oleh itu, daya ingatan kita juga akan menjadi lebih baik. Amalkan senaman walaupun sekadar berjalan kaki.

Elakkan Kemurungan

Kemurungan dalam hidup akan menyebabkan hidup anda tidak ceria. Anda sentiasa berada dalam keadaan tidak segar dan rasa kecewa. Lama-kelamaan ia turut menjejaskan daya ingatan anda dan membuat anda tidak hirau dengan persekitaran anda. Ubatilah kemurungan sebelum menjadi serius dengan berjumpa psikiatri atau beramal-ibadah mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan.

Awasi Pengambilan Ubat

Daya ingat mungkin menjadi lemah dengan pengambilan ubat-ubatan tertentu seperti pil hormon, ubat darah tinggi, anti-kemurungan dan sebagainya. Jika anda menghadapi masalah daya ingatan disebabkan pengambilan ubat, konsultasi dengan doktor. Jangan mengambil ubat tanpa arahan doktor.

Belajar Sesuatu yang Baru

Cubalah aktifkan pemikiran anda dengan mempelajari sesuatu yang baru misalnya Bahasa Jepun, kursus kemahiran jangka pendek, menjahit, atau menghadiri ceramah dan motivasi.


Bermain sesuatu permainan seperti board games dapat merangsang minda. Contohnya, catur, scrabble (Sahibba) dan Monopoli. Selain itu, teknologi sekarang lebih baik seperti permainan komputer dan Playstation. Pilihlah jenis permainan yang mencabar minda.

Banyak Membaca

Jadikan amalan membaca sebagai kegiatan harian. Membaca dapat meluaskan pengetahuan, mengembangkan minda dan menajam daya ingatan. Cuba ingat sedikit-sebanyak fakta yang terkandung di dalam bahan bacaan.

Katakan Berulang Kali

Untuk meningkat ingatan anda tentang sesuatu maklumat atau tarikh, katakan dengan kuat dan berulang kali sehingga anda benar-benar ingat akan maklumat tersebut.


Daya ingatan dapat dilancarkan sekiranya anda sering fokus dalam sesuatu, contohnya matlamat hidup. Anda juga dapat belajar fokus dengan menumpukan fikiran anda pada sesuatu perkara dan mencatatkan apa yang anda fikirkan.

Bermain Dengan Angka

Asahkan minda anda dengan cuba bermain dengan angka seperti mengingati nombor telefon rakan-rakan. Selain itu, anda boleh menghubungkaitkan angka-angka tersebut dengan sesuatu bagi meningkatkan daya ingatan.

Membaca Al-Quran

Sekiranya anda seorang Muslim, amalkan membaca Al-Quran walau sehelai muka surat setiap hari. Membaca Al-Quran dapat menerang jiwa, menenangkan perasaan dan menajamkan daya ingatan dengan lebih baik.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Logo Halal : Halalkah makanan yang kita akan makan

1:20 AM By

These emulsifiers are haram :-
120,141,160( A),161,252, 300,301,422, 430,431,433, 435,436,441, 470,471,472
(A,E),473,474, 475,476,477, 481,482,483, 491,494,542, 570,631,635, 920 bEUR”

RENNET in the cheese is animal origin is HARAM too unless otherwise stated.
We bought this particular ingredient, which is contained in most chocolates and ice creams they have Emulsifier 471 These are pork fats and they name it such a way. After reading, we called MUIS & checked with them. They told us that it is actually pork fats. We checked most chocolate brand and ice creams and that most of them we cannot eat. As Muslims we should not make the same mistake. Before eating any chocolate or ice creams, please read the ingredients first.

renung2 kanlah..........
link sources

Monday, February 15, 2010

1:40 AM By

Task Manager Has Been Disabled, How to Fix It?

Many times when working on a computer that has been infected with a virus, trojan, or piece of spyware I find myself with the Task Manager being disabled. Malware creators like to disable Task Manager so it makes solving the problem and removing the issue difficult.

If this happens you'll normally have to edit the Windows registry to fix the problem. A restriction has been placed on the user to not allow them to run Task Manager, this might be ok in an office environment where the IT department wants to control things, but in a home office this can cause major problems trying to fix a malware or virus issue.

Listed below you will find the many ways to reenable Task Manager along with an automatic method that works wonders.

To open the Task Manager, you normally would do one of the following:
  • Press CTRL-ALT-DEL on the keyboard
  • Press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC on the keyboard
  • Right-click on a blank area on the start bar and choose Task Manager
  • Click on Start, Run and type TASKMGR in the run box and press Enter
Sometimes instead of Task Manager opening you'll see the following screen. In these cases, you'll have to follow the methods below to re-enable access to the Task Manager.

First we'll begin with the various registry modification methods for correcting this problem.

Method 1 - Using the Group Policy Editor in Windows XP Professional
  1. Click Start, Run, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
  2. Under User Configuration, Click on the plus (+) next to Administrative Templates
  3. Click on the plus (+) next tSystem, then click on Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options
  4. Find Remove Task Manager in the right-hand pane and double click on it
  5. Choose the option "Not Configured" and click Ok.
  6. Close the Group Policy Window
Method 2: Change the Task Manager Option through the Run line
  1. Click on Start, Run and type the following command exactly and press Enter
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Method 3: Change Task Manager through a Registry REG file
  1. Click on Start, Run, and type Notepad and press Enter
  2. Copy and paste the information between the dotted lines into Notepad and save it to your desktop as taskmanager.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


3. Double click on the taskmanager.reg file to enter the information into the Windows registry

Method 4: Delete the restriction in the registry manually
  1. Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
  2. Navigate to the following branch

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
  3. In the right pane, find and delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
  4. Close the registry editor
sources info >

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


11:48 AM By

Optimize your computer for peak performance

  • Our personal computers are like fine automobiles—they need preventive maintenance to run efficiently and avoid major breakdowns.
  • The following tips can help improve your computer's performance. These examples use Microsoft Windows XP. Some of the screens may differ from version to version, but overall you'll find these tips work for all versions of Windows, including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista.
  • By the way, in no way can you blow up your computer or files with any of these procedures. These tasks use utilities provided within the Windows operating systems to aid you in achieving the best system performance. This article does not address tinkering with the registry files.

Clean up disk errors

Run once a week

  • Whenever a program crashes, or you experience some power outage, your computer may create errors on your computer's hard disk. Over time, the errors can slow your computer. Luckily, the Windows operating system includes a Disk Check program to check and clean any errors on your computer and keep it running smoothly.

To run Disk Check:

  1. In your Start menu, click My Computer.
  2. In the My Computer dialog box, right-click on the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us this will be the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and click Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab. In the Error-Checking section, press the Check Now… button. A Check Disk dialog box displays, as shown below.
    Image of the Check Local Disk (C:) dialog boxAccess Check Disk to check for errors on your computer.
  4. In the Check Disk dialog box, check all the check boxes. Click Start.
  5. You will see a message box that says you can schedule the disk check to start the next time you restart your computer. Click Yes. The next time you restart your computer, it will automatically run through a disk check before displaying your login screen. After the disk check finishes, Windows will automatically bring you to your login screen.
    Note: Check Disk can take more than an hour to check and clean errors on your computer.

Remove temporary files

Run once a week

Your computer can pick up and store temporary files when you're looking at Web pages and even when you're working on files in programs, such as Microsoft Word. Over time, these files will slow your computer's performance. You can use the Windows Disk Cleanup screen to rid your computer of these deadbeat files.

To run Disk Cleanup:

  1. In your Start menu, click My Computer.
  2. In the My Computer dialog box, right-click on the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us this will be the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and click Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box, click Disk Cleanup.
    Image of the Local Disk (C:) Properties dialog boxUse Disk Cleanup to help clear unused files from your computer.
  4. Disk Cleanup will calculate how much space you can free up on your hard drive. After its scan, the Disk Cleanup dialog box reports a list of files you can remove from your computer, as pictured below. This scan can take a while depending on how many files you have lying around on your computer.
    Image of the Disk Cleanup for (C:) dialog boxView results from the Disk Cleanup dialog box.
  5. After the scan is complete, in the Disk Cleanup dialog box, click View Files to see what Disk Cleanup will throw out once you give it the go ahead. You can check and uncheck boxes to define what you wish to keep or discard. When you're ready, click OK.
  6. You can also select the More Options tab within the Disk Cleanup screen to look for software programs you don't use much anymore. You then have the choice to remove these unused programs.

Rearrange your data

Run once a month

Don't be shocked, but your computer can get sloppy. Your computer often breaks files side by side to increase the speed of access and retrieval. However, as files are updated, your computer saves these updates on the largest space available on the hard drive, often found far away from the other adjacent sectors of the file.
The result: a fragmented file. Fragmented files cause slower performance. This is because your computer must now search for all of the file's parts. In other words, your computer knows where all the pieces are, but putting them back together, and in the correct order when you need them, can slow your computer down.
Windows includes a Disk Defragmenter program to piece all your files back together again (if only Humpty-Dumpty had been so lucky) and make them quicker to open.

To run the Disk Defragmenter:

  1. In your Start menu, click My Computer.
  2. In the My Computer dialog box, right-click on the drive you wish to check for errors (for most of us this will be the C: drive, unless you have multiple drives on your computer), and click Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab, and then in the Defragmentation section, click Defragment Now….
  4. In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, select the Volume (most likely your Local Disk C:) at the top of the screen, and then click Analyze.
  5. After analyzing your computer, the Disk Defragmenter displays a message stating whether you should defragment your computer. Press Defragment to clean up your computer if necessary. The Disk Defragmenter will reorganize files by placing together and organizing them by program and size, as shown in Figure 5.
    Image of the Disk Defragmenter dialog boxFiles being reorganizing with the Disk Defragmenter.

Make Internet Explorer run faster

  • The Web is a sparkling achievement of modern society. It's everywhere—from the home to the classroom. We use it to communicate, to work, to play—even to waste time when there's nothing else to do.
  • Yet there's nothing more frustrating than having this technical marvel at our fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, only to watch our computers access the Internet at a crawling pace. Thankfully, Microsoft Internet Explorer provides some useful options for quicker Web surfing. Let's look at these options now.
Reduce the size of your Web page history
  • Internet Explorer stores visited Web pages to your computer, organizing them within a page history by day. While it's useful to keep a couple days of Web history within your computer, there's no need to store more than a week's worth. Any more than that and you're collecting Web pages that will slow down your computer's performance.

To reduce your Web page history:

  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, in the History section, find the Days to keep pages in history: box. Type "1" in this box, as pictured in the image below. Click OK.
    Image of the Internet Options dialog boxReduce the number of days to keep pages in history.
Don't save encrypted Web pages
  • Encrypted Web pages ask for usernames and passwords. These pages scramble information to prevent the reading of this sensitive information. You can define Internet Explorer to not save these types of pages. You'll free up space by saving fewer files to your computer, as well as keeping secure information off your computer.

To not save encrypted Web pages:

  1. In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Settings section, scroll down to the Security section. Check the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" option, as shown in the figure below. Click OK.
    Image of the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog boxSet up Internet Explorer so that you do not save encrypted Web pages.

Automate Microsoft Update

Configure once

  • Microsoft works constantly to release updates to Windows and other Microsoft products, including Office. At Microsoft Update, you can find and install all these updates—not just the critical ones. Often, these updates will improve your computer's performance.
  • You can make life easier by automating Microsoft Update so your computer downloads and installs all the updates without you having to worry about them.

To automate Microsoft Update:

  1. In your Start menu, click Control Panel.
  2. In the Automatic Updates dialog box, check the Automatic (Recommended) check box. You can define the time of day when your computer checks for updates. If the computer finds any updates, it will download and install them automatically for you.
  3. Click OK.
    Image of the Automatic Updates dialog boxAutomate Microsoft Update to keep your computer up to date.

Install antivirus and antispyware programs

  • Computer viruses and spyware (hidden software that gathers information about you without your knowledge or consent when you're using a computer) both reduce system performance. Computer viruses can not only reduce performance, but they can also destroy data. Any computer that accesses the Internet should have antivirus and antispyware programs installed.
Smooth running
  • Follow these steps and you'll have your computer purring like a vintage Porsche (or whatever your dream car of choice is). And the best part? Maintaining your computer is a lot less messy than an automobile. You don't even have to roll up your sleeves.
ok thats all...........  DON'T FORGET TO TRY.........

Tips menjadi pelajar cemerlang.

11:36 AM By

Bercintalah dengan pelajaran, bertunang dengan mengulang kaji, berkahwinlah dengan peperiksaan, dan berbulan madulah dengan kejayaan.
Bagaimana mahu jadi pelajar cemerlang? Apakah ciri -ciri pelajar cemerlang? Berikut adalah 15 tip atau petua untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang:
1. Tuhan mencipta kita dengan penuh kesempurnaan. Bertindaklah dengan cemerlang.
2. Pelajar yang tidak berdisiplin semasa belajar, besar kemungkinan tidak berdisiplin sepanjang hayat.
3. Semua orang mahu berjaya tetapi cuma segelintir yang berjaya kerana mereka berjaya mengawal nafsu dan emosi.
4. Kita mudah lupa apa yang kita dengar. Kita sekadar tahu apa yang kita lihat. Kita akan faham apa yang kita amalkan/praktikkan.
5. Apabila kita belajar dengan niat untuk berkongsi ilmu atau pun mengajar orang lain, kita akan dapat kefahaman dan daya ingatan yang luar biasa.
6. Setiap hari, carilah alasan untuk berubah secara positif.
7. Di dalam dunia ini, cuma kita berupaya mengubah diri kita.
8. Apabila kita berubah, semua orang di sekeliling kita akan berubah seiringan dengan perubahan kita.
9. Setiap masalah berpunca daripada diri kita sendiri. Kita yang perlu menyelesaikannya.
10. Segala kehebatan sudah sedia ada dalam diri kita. Sekadar menanti untuk diserlahkan.
11. Orang biasa yang melakukan tindakan luar biasa menghasilkan prestasi luar biasa.
12. Jadikan setiap hari adalah hari terbaik dan sepanjang kehidupan anda akan cemerlang.
13. Kejayaan = Hidayah + Ilmu + Amal + Ikhlas + Istiqamah + Berterusan berubah secara positif.
14. Kejayaan adalah melakukan rutin yang positif secara berterusan.
15. Kegagalan adalah melakukan satu ataupun dua kesalahan berulang kali.

Sumber : Dato’ Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah

Sunday, January 17, 2010

8:03 AM By

Menangani Stress di Meja Kerja/Belajar

Cara paling mudah nak menangani STRESS ketika bekerja/belajar di tempat duduk anda buat kerja. Anda tak payah nak bangun2 dari kerusi tuu. Ada beberapa cara mudah yang saya boleh bagi tau di sini :

Mendengar musik.
  • kepada yang suka dengar musik hardcore2. Jika itu boleh bagi anda kurangkan stress, teruskan… hoho… bagi saya bila dengar lagu macam tu waktu stress. Lagi berserabut ada laa. Jika boleh dengarlah musik-musik yang sentimental sedikit ataupun lagu yang sederhana rancak. Asalkan jangan sampai head banging sudah laa. nanti apa pula kata orang yang melihat anda.
Membaca sesuatu.
  • Kepada yang Muslim boleh laa anda membaca Al-quran. Jika tiada, anda boleh membaca zikir2 yang mudah. Kepada yang beragama lain boleh membaca atau membuat cara agama anda sendiri. Selain daripada itu, anda boleh baca komik juga. Mungkin komik yang lawak menjadi pilihan anda.
Bercakap dengan seseorang.
  • Tak kisah laa anda nak bercakap dengan orang sebelah anda atau bercakap melalui telefon. Cara ini juga dapat mengurangkan stress korang.
Pernafasan yang betul.
  • Pernafasan yang betul adalah menyedut udara melalui hidung dan menghembuskan dari mulut. Jika ini anda tidak praktikkan oksigen yang masuk ke otak tidak banyak. Jika oksigen tak banyak masuk, maka anda mudah mengalami stress. Mungkin susah nak mengawal pernafasan kita dengan betul, tetapi ambil masa dalam beberapa minit untuk menstabilkan pernafasan anda. Pejamkan mata, tarik hembus beberapa kali, fikirkan perkara yang indah seketika dan buka mata secara perlahan-lahan.
notakaki : Jika stress anda tidak dapat di kawal lagi, jumpa dan bercakap dengan seseorang yang rapat dengan anda. Jangan malu-malu oke! kerana mereka juga boleh membantu anda mengurangkan STRESS

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